Wednesday, May 19, 2010

TWD: Apple-Apple Bread Pudding

I'm late, but I'm here. I'm actually finishing a two-week stay with my parents in Maryland, and being back in the US has been such a wonderful experience. I'm a little afraid of what my reaction will be when I get back, but we'll just have to see.

So back to the reason for the post. It's Tuesday!! This week's Tuesdays with Dorie was chosen by Elizabeth of Cake or Death? Be sure to check out her site for this yummy recipe.

This was a really great recipe for me. I've always liked bread pudding, and this one did not disappoint. It had the yummy custardy flavor and texture of bread pudding, but it had an added bonus of a delicious apple center. My dad commented that this bread pudding felt a lot lighter than ones he had previously eaten. I think this is mostly due to the addition of the apples and the fact that the bread is separated, so you don't get one big chunk of custardy bread. Just another reason to praise Dorie for her superior baking skills. We are in awe.

I apologize for the less than ideal pictures but it was a sad rainy day today, and I didn't get this done in time to have even minimal lighting. Oopsie. But don't let the bad pictures deter you. This is yummy. And especially good with ice cream (which I homemade, but I'll leave that to another post.)

But be sure to check out the other TWDers who made this recipe. I'm sure their pictures will more than convince you to make this.

And for just a FYI on my pregnancy update, I got to hear my little one's heartbeat today. So exciting, so special.


Jacque said...

Oooh, I wish I'd have tried some ice cream with it. Yours looks fantastic!

Tia said...

awww... congrats on the bp and the heartbeat! how far along r u?

TeaLady said...

Made Ice cream today just to have on some left over Bread Pudding.

Looks delicious.

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

i loved this recipe too. and yes, i think this recipe is a very very good one for bread pudding.