Wednesday, May 19, 2010

TWD: Apple-Apple Bread Pudding

I'm late, but I'm here. I'm actually finishing a two-week stay with my parents in Maryland, and being back in the US has been such a wonderful experience. I'm a little afraid of what my reaction will be when I get back, but we'll just have to see.

So back to the reason for the post. It's Tuesday!! This week's Tuesdays with Dorie was chosen by Elizabeth of Cake or Death? Be sure to check out her site for this yummy recipe.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cocoa Brownies

I am always on the look out for easy, fast, but yummy dessert recipes because you just never know when the urge is going to hit or the need is going to arise for something sweet, and you don't always have time to wait for butter to soften.

Brownies from scratch are generally pretty easy to begin with, but I like this recipe because the main ingredient is cocoa rather than chocolate. Around here I can buy cocoa by the barrel load, but all my chocolate has to be bought in candy bar form with candy bar price. So needless to say, I have more cocoa laying around than chocolate.